Login and Registration Issues |
Why can't I log in? Have you registered? Seriously, you must register in order to log in. Have you been banned from the board? (A message will be displayed if you have.) If so, you should contact the webmaster or board administrator to find out why. If you have registered and are not banned and you still cannot log in then check and double-check your username and password. Usually this is the problem; if not, contact the board administrator -- they may have incorrect configuration settings for the board.
Why do I need to register at all? You may not have to -- it is up to the administrator of the board as to whether you need to register in order to post messages. However, registration will give you access to additional features not available to guest users such as definable avatar images, private messaging, emailing to fellow users, usergroup subscription, etc. It only takes a few minutes to register so it is recommended you do so.
Why do I get logged off automatically? If you do not check the Log me in automatically box when you log in, the board will only keep you logged in for a preset time. This prevents misuse of your account by anyone else. To stay logged in, check the box during login. This is not recommended if you access the board from a shared computer, e.g. library, internet cafe, university cluster, etc.
How do I prevent my username from appearing in the online user listings? In your profile you will find an option Hide your online status; if you switch this on you'll only appear to board administrators or to yourself. You will be counted as a hidden user.
I've lost my password! Don't panic! While your password cannot be retrieved it can be reset. To do this go to the login page and click I've forgotten my password. Follow the instructions and you should be back online in no time.
I registered but cannot log in! First check that you are entering the correct username and password. If they are okay then one of two things may have happened: if COPPA support is enabled and you clicked the I am under 13 years old link while registering then you will have to follow the instructions you received. If this is not the case then maybe your account need activating. Some boards will require all new registrations be activated, either by yourself or by the administrator before you can log on. When you registered it would have told you whether activation was required. If you were sent an email then follow the instructions; if you did not receive the email then check that your email address is valid. One reason activation is used is to reduce the possibility of rogue users abusing the board anonymously. If you are sure the email address you used is valid then try contacting the board administrator.
I registered in the past but cannot log in anymore! The most likely reasons for this are: you entered an incorrect username or password (check the email you were sent when you first registered) or the administrator has deleted your account for some reason. If it is the latter case then perhaps you did not post anything? It is usual for boards to periodically remove users who have not posted anything so as to reduce the size of the database. Try registering again and get involved in discussions.
User Preferences and settings |
How do I change my settings? All your settings (if you are registered) are stored in the database. To alter them click the Profile link (generally shown at the top of pages but this may not be the case). This will allow you to change all your settings.
The times are not correct! The times are almost certainly correct; however, what you may be seeing are times displayed in a timezone different from the one you are in. If this is the case, you should change your profile setting for the timezone to match your particular area, e.g. London, Paris, New York, Sydney, etc. Please note that changing the timezone, like most settings, can only be done by registered users. So if you are not registered, this is a good time to do so, if you pardon the pun!
I changed the timezone and the time is still wrong! If you are sure you have set the timezone correctly and the time is still different, the most likely answer is daylight savings time (or summer time as it is known in the UK and other places). The board is not designed to handle the changeovers between standard and daylight time so during summer months the time may be an hour different from the real local time.
My language is not in the list! The most likely reasons for this are either the administrator did not install your language or someone has not translated this board into your language. Try asking the board administrator if they can install the language pack you need or if it does not exist, please feel free to create a new translation. More information can be found at the phpBB Group website (see link at bottom of pages)
How do I show an image below my username? There may be two images below a username when viewing posts. The first is an image associated with your rank; generally these take the form of stars or blocks indicating how many posts you have made or your status on the forums. Below this may be a larger image known as an avatar; this is generally unique or personal to each user. It is up to the board administrator to enable avatars and they have a choice over the way in which avatars can be made available. If you are unable to use avatars then this is the decision of the board admin and you should ask them their reasons (we're sure they'll be good!)
How do I change my rank? In general you cannot directly change the wording of any rank (ranks appear below your username in topics and on your profile depending on the style used). Most boards use ranks to indicate the number of posts you have made and to identify certain users. For example, moderators and administrators may have a special rank. Please do not abuse the board by posting unnecessarily just to increase your rank -- you will probably find the moderator or administrator will simply lower your post count.
When I click the email link for a user it asks me to log in. Sorry, but only registered users can send email to people via the built-in email form (if the admin has enabled this feature). This is to prevent malicious use of the email system by anonymous users.
What exactly is Stumble? Stumble is a free service that allows you to review and rate any webpage on the internet and receive a lot of visitors to your own webpages as well. You can visit StumbleUpon.com to learn more.
Where can I find the link to my Stumble profile? The link to your Stumble profile is a subdomain of the username you have registered with. So if you register with the username "bobby" at StumbleUpon then your url would look like this: http://bobby.stumbleupon.com/
Avatar Generator |
What is it? A tool that enables users to generate their own personalised Avatar from a set of available installed images.
Avatar Generator is installed but I dont see it anywhere, why? You need to login to use the Avatar Generator (if the site administator has enabled this feature), then edit your profile.
None of this helped me, what should I do? If you're still experiencing problems you should contact the site administrator.
Posting Issues |
How do I post a topic in a forum? Easy -- click the relevant button on either the forum or topic screens. You may need to register before you can post a message. The facilities available to you are listed at the bottom of the forum and topic screens (the You can post new topics, You can vote in polls, etc. list)
How do I edit or delete a post? Unless you are the board admin or forum moderator you can only edit or delete your own posts. You can edit a post (sometimes for only a limited time after it was made) by clicking the edit button for the relevant post. If someone has already replied to the post, you will find a small piece of text output below the post when you return to the topic that lists the number of times you edited it. This will only appear if no one has replied; it also will not appear if moderators or administrators edit the post (they should leave a message saying what they altered and why). Please note that normal users cannot delete a post once someone has replied.
How do I add a signature to my post? To add a signature to a post you must first create one; this is done via your profile. Once created you can check the Add Signature box on the posting form to add your signature. You can also add a signature by default to all your posts by checking the appropriate radio box in your profile. You can still prevent a signature being added to individual posts by un-checking the add signature box on the posting form.
How do I create a poll? Creating a poll is easy -- when you post a new topic (or edit the first post of a topic, if you have permission) you should see a Add Poll form below the main posting box. If you cannot see this then you probably do not have rights to create polls. You should enter a title for the poll and then at least two options -- to set an option type in the poll question and click the Add option button. You can also set a time limit for the poll, 0 being an infinite amount. There will be a limit to the number of options you can list, which is set by the board administrator
How do I edit or delete a poll? As with posts, polls can only be edited by the original poster, a moderator, or board administrator. To edit a poll, click the first post in the topic, which always has the poll associated with it. If no one has cast a vote then users can delete the poll or edit any poll option. However, if people have already placed votes only moderators or administrators can edit or delete it; this is to prevent people rigging polls by changing options mid-way through a poll
Why can't I access a forum? Some forums may be limited to certain users or groups. To view, read, post, etc. you may need special authorization which only the forum moderator and board administrator can grant, so you should contact them.
Why can't I vote in polls? Only registered users can vote in polls so as to prevent spoofing of results. If you have registered and still cannot vote then you probably do not have appropriate access rights.
Calendar Issues |
How do I post an event? If you go to the events forum and click on New Topic you'll notice a new option. It has a mini calendar and says select date. You click on the mini calendar and pick the date of the event. You then add your post text and voila it will appear on the calendar and in the events forum (two ways to get people to know about the event).
What are Advanced Options? There are of course advanced options with the calendar. If you click in the advanced check box you'll see more options pop up like an end date and a reoccuring option.
Formatting and Topic Types |
What is BBCode? BBCode is a special implementation of HTML. Whether you can use BBCode is determined by the administrator. You can also disable it on a per post basis from the posting form. BBCode itself is similar in style to HTML: tags are enclosed in square braces [ and ] rather than < and > and it offers greater control over what and how something is displayed. For more information on BBCode see the guide which can be accessed from the posting page.
Can I use HTML? That depends on whether the administrator allows you to; they have complete control over it. If you are allowed to use it, you will probably find only certain tags work. This is a safety feature to prevent people from abusing the board by using tags which may destroy the layout or cause other problems. If HTML is enabled you can disable it on a per post basis from the posting form.
What are Smileys? Smileys, or Emoticons, are small graphical images which can be used to express some feeling using a short code, e.g. :) means happy, :( means sad. The full list of emoticons can be seen via the posting form. Try not to overuse smileys, though, as they can quickly render a post unreadable and a moderator may decide to edit them out or remove the post altogether.
Can I post Images? Images can indeed be shown in your posts. However, there is no facility at present for uploading images directly to this board. Therefore you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. http://www.some-unknown-place.net/my-picture.gif. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor to images stored behind authentication mechanisms such as Hotmail or Yahoo mailboxes, password-protected sites, etc. To display the image use either the BBCode [img] tag or appropriate HTML (if allowed).
What are Global Announcements? Global Announcements often contain important information and you should read them as soon as possible. Global Announcements appear at the top of every page in every forum. Whether or not you can post a global announcement depends on the permissions required, which are set by the administrator.
What are Announcements? Announcements often contain important information and you should read them as soon as possible. Announcements appear at the top of every page in the forum to which they are posted. Whether or not you can post an announcement depends on the permissions required, which are set by the administrator.
What are Sticky topics? Sticky topics appear below any announcements in viewforum and only on the first page. They are often quite important so you should read them where possible. As with announcements the board administrator determines what permissions are required to post sticky topics in each forum.
What are Locked topics? Locked topics are set this way by either the forum moderator or board administrator. You cannot reply to locked topics and any poll contained inside is automatically ended. Topics may be locked for many reasons.
User Levels and Groups |
What are Administrators? Administrators are people assigned the highest level of control over the entire board. These people can control all facets of board operation which include setting permissions, banning users, creating usergroups or moderators, etc. They also have full moderator capabilities in all the forums.
What are Super Moderators? Super Moderators are people assigned the second highest level of control over the entire board. These people can control most facets of board operation which include setting permissions, banning users, etc. They also have full moderator capabilities in all the forums.
What are Moderators? Moderators are individuals (or groups of individuals) whose job it is to look after the running of the forums from day to day. They have the power to edit or delete posts and lock, unlock, move, delete and split topics in the forum they moderate. Generally moderators are there to prevent people going off-topic or posting abusive or offensive material.
What are Usergroups? Usergroups are a way in which board administrators can group users. Each user can belong to several groups (this differs from most other boards) and each group can be assigned individual access rights. This makes it easy for administrators to set up several users as moderators of a forum, or to give them access to a private forum, etc.
How do I join a Usergroup? To join a usergroup click the usergroup link on the page header (dependent on template design) and you can then view all usergroups. Not all groups are open access -- some are closed and some may even have hidden memberships. If the board is open then you can request to join it by clicking the appropriate button. The user group moderator will need to approve your request; they may ask why you want to join the group. Please do not pester a group moderator if they turn your request down -- they will have their reasons.
How do I become a Usergroup Moderator? Usergroups are initially created by the board administrator who also assigns a board moderator. If you are interested in creating a usergroup then your first point of contact should be the administrator, so try dropping them a private message.
Private Messaging |
I cannot send private messages! There are three reasons for this; you are not registered and/or not logged on, the board administrator has disabled private messaging for the entire board, or the board administrator has prevented you individually from sending messages. If it is the latter case you should try asking the administrator why.
I keep getting unwanted private messages! In the future we will be adding an ignore list to the private messaging system. For now, though, if you keep receiving unwanted private messages from someone, inform the board administrator -- they have the power to prevent a user from sending private messages at all.
I have received a spamming or abusive email from someone on this board! We are sorry to hear that. The email form feature of this board includes safeguards to try to track users who send such posts. You should email the board administrator with a full copy of the email you received and it is very important this include the headers (these list details of the user that sent the email). They can then take action.
Contact Lists General Questions |
What are the Buddy, Ignore, and Disallow Lists? Buddy, Ignore, and Disallow Lists are a means by which you can easily find or contact other users or prevent other users from finding or contacting you on the messenger software.
So these lists are built into the messenger? Do they work in other parts of the forums? Yes, the lists are built into the messenger. No, they do not work in other parts of the forums, except for the Buddy Management control panel. The board administrator can install an expanded version of Buddy, Ignore, and Disallow Lists to add functionality to other parts of the forums.
How do I edit my Buddy, Ignore, and Disallow Lists? To edit your Buddy, Ignore, and Disallow Lists, simply access your User Control Panel.
How can I add a user to my Buddy, Ignore, and Disallow Lists? Access the control panel and go to the page for the particular list to which you wish to add a user. Then enter the user's username in the form near the bottom of the page and press the Add User button.
There are also links to add a user to or remove a user from your lists in the Read Message window.
What are these other three lists in the control panel? Those are lists of users who have added you to their own Buddy, Ignore, and Disallow Lists
Using Contact Lists |
What features does the Buddy List provide? The Buddy List is the most useful of the three lists. With the Buddy List, you can limit the users appearing in the IM Client to only buddies currently online (on either the messenger or the forums). You can also be alerted when a buddy comes online or goes offline.
How do I choose to be alerted when a buddy comes online? Access the control panel to see your Buddy List. Click the "Edit online and offline alert settings" link. From this page, you can choose to be alerted when certain users come online. Simply check off the users you wish to be alerted about and press the submit button. To stop being alerted about a user, uncheck them and press the submit button.
What is the Buddies button in the Send Message window? You can press this button to open a small window with a list of your buddies. The list lets you quickly see if a buddy is online or offline and click their name to place it in the Send Message window's username field.
What features does the Ignore List provide? When a user is on your ignore list, that user cannot send you any instant messages. Also, the user will not appear in the list of online users in the IM Client.
What features does the Disallow List provide? When a user is on your disallow list, that user cannot send you any instant messages. Also, the user will not be able to see you in the list of online users in the IM Client.
Attachments |
How do I add an attachment? You can add attachments when you post a new post. You should see a Add an Attachment form below the main posting box. When you click the Browse... button the standard Open dialogue window for your computer will open. Browse to the file you want to attach, select it and click OK, Open or doubleclick according to your liking and/or the correct procedure for your computer. If you choose to add a comment in the File Comment field this comment will be used as a link to the attached file. If you haven't added a comment the filename itself will be used to link to the attachment. If the board administrator has allowed it you will be able to upload multiple attachments by following the same procedure as described above until you reach the max allowed number of attachments for each post.
The board administrator sets an upper limit for filesize, defined file extensions and other things for attachments on the board. Be aware that it's your responsiblity that your attachments comply with the boards acceptance of use policy, and that they may be deleted without warning.
Please note that the boards owner, webmaster, administrator or moderators can not and will not take responsibility for any loss of data.
How do I add an attachment after the initial posting? To add an attachment after the initial posting you'll need to edit your post and follow the description above. The new attachment will be added when you click Submit to add the edited post.
How do I delete an attachment? To delete attachments you'll need to edit your post and click on the Delete Attachment next to the attachment you want to delete in the Posted Attachments box. The attachment will be deleted when you click Submit to add the edited post.
How do I update a file comment? To update a file comment you'll need to edit your post, edit the text in the File Comment field and click on the Update Comment button next to the file comment you want to update in the Posted Attachments box. The file comment will be updated when you click Submit to add the edited post.
Why isn't my attachment visible in the post? Most probably the file or Extension is no longer allowed on the forum, or a moderator or administrator has deleted it for being in conflict with the boards acceptance of use policy.
Why can't I add attachments? On some forums adding attachments may be limited to certain users or groups. To add attachments you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.
I've got the necessary permissions, why can't I add attachments? The board administrator sets an upper limit for filesize, file extensions and other things for attachments on the board. A moderator or administrator may have altered your permissions, or discontinued attachments in the specific forum. You should get an explanation in the error message when trying to add an attachment, if not you might consider contacting the moderator or administrator.
Why can't I delete attachments? On some forums deleting attachments may be limited to certain users or groups. To delete attachments you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.
Why can't I view/download attachments? On some viewing/downloading forums attachments may be limited to certain users or groups. To view/download attachments you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.
Who do I contact about illegal or possibly illegal attachments? You should contact the administrator of this board. If you cannot find who this is you should first contact one of the forum moderators and ask them who you should in turn contact. If you still get no response you should contact the owner of the domain (do a whois lookup) or, if this is running on a free service (e.g. yahoo, free.fr, f2s.com, etc.), the management or abuse department of that service. Please note that phpBB Group has absolutely no control and cannot in any way be held liable over how, where or by whom this board is used. It is absolutely pointless contacting phpBB Group in relation to any legal (cease and desist, liable, defamatory comment, etc.) matter not directly related to the phpbb.com website or the discrete software of phpBB itself. If you do email phpBB Group about any third party use of this software then you should expect a terse response or no response at all.
Prillian General Questions |
What is Prillian? Prillian is a web-based instant messenger client that we provide to our registered users so that they can easily and quickly contact each other. It is very similar to other instant messenger programs you may have used previously, but the users are generally limited to other members of this forum.
Do I need to download software to use Prillian? No, there is no software to download. The Prillian software runs on this website. You can use and access the software through your web browser just like any normal web page or the forum itself.
Do I need to register in the forums to use Prillian? Yes. Prillian is a part of the forums and uses the same user registration. It also uses parts of the private message system built into the forums. You cannot use the messenger until you have registered and logged in.
Do I have to constantly stay at this site to use Prillian? No, you do not. As long as you keep the Prillian client window open, you can continue your web browsing as you normally would. Keep in mind that the messenger runs in your web browser, so if you exit your web browser completely, you will also exit the messenger.
Are there any special settings my browser needs to use Prillian? Prillian uses a great deal of JavaScript to provide control features and automatic opening of new windows. It is recommended that you have these options turned on for this web site. If you do not have these options turned on, you can still use the messenger. Some features may not work, however.
How do I access Prillian? First, make sure you have registered and logged in on the forums. On some forums, the board administrator can set Prillian to open automatically when you visit the forum's index page. If the messenger does not open automatically, look for a link called "," "Who is Online," or something similar. If there is a new instant message waiting for you, this link may state that you have a new IM. Click this link to open a new, specially sized browser window. This window, called the "IM Client," allows you to access Prillian.
I did all that, but the window has some weird error message. Why? There are several possible answers. It may be that the board administrator has temporarily disabled the software (possibly for an upgrade). It is also possible that the administrator has banned you from using the software. You didn't do anything naughty, did you?
It is equally possible that you disabled the software previously yourself. In this case, the error message should contain a link to the preferences editor, where you can enable the software again.
Okay, I have opened the IM Client. Now what? From the IM Client window, you can do many things. You should see a list of users that are currently online. You can send these users an instant message. You can also send messages to other users, receive messages, view messages you have sent or received in the past, access the Contact List control panel, and, if the board administrator allows, access your messenger preferences.
How do I receive messages? The IM Client will automatically check for messages periodically. For more information, read the next section of this FAQ.
Using the Prillian Client |
I see a lot of images in this window. What do they mean? The controls of the IM Client allow you to access the messenger's features. Below is a listing of images you may see in the IM Client and what they represent. Keep in mind that these images may change if you alter the theme used by Prillian is changed. You can also learn what an image represents by hovering your mouse cursor over the image in some browsers. There may also be a set of text links that have similar functions to these images, depending on your preferences.
 | Manage Contacts | This opens the Contact Management control panel in another browser window. |  | Close All Child Windows | Child windows can include open Read Message, Send Message, and Message Log windows. |  | Return to Forums | Open the forum index of this website in a browser window. |  | Edit Prillian Preferences | Change settings that influence how the messenger operates. The board administrator can override these settings, in which case this image will not appear. |  | Send Message | Click this to open the Send Message window. |  | Check for IMs | Reload or refresh the IM Client. This checks for new messages and updates the list of online users. |  | Log Out of Forum and Prillian | In addition, this will close the IM Client and Child windows. |  | Open Message Log | View a list of messages you have sent or received. You can also view individual messages from the Message Log. |  | Off-Site User | This user is from another site. In some browsers, you can hover your mouse cursor over the image to determine the user's site of origin. |  | On-Site User | This user is from this site, just like you. |  | Help | Access this FAQ page. |
For more information on Off-Site and On-Site Users, see the section of this FAQ entitled "Site-to-Site Messaging."
What other things are in the IM Client? Depending on how the board administrator has set up the software, you may see a series of blocks of information about the users currently on the forums and messenger. This may include the number of users, hidden users, and guest users online.
There will likely be one or two blocks of user names next to Off-Site or On-Site User icons and Send Message icons. These are users that are currently online. If an On-Site User's name is displayed like this, then that user is also using the messenger at that time. Any Off-Site Users displayed are also using the messenger at that time. If the moderators or administrators of this site are listed, their names will be in different colors to stand out from normal users. If you click the Send Message icon next to a user's name, the Send Message window will open with that user's name entered into the "username" field. You can click on any user's name to view that user's forum profile.
How do I receive new messages? Periodically, the IM Client will automatically reload to check for new messages and update the list of online users. When this happens, the IM Client, after fully reloading can display your messages in a couple of ways depending on your user preferences and web browser's JavaScript settings. The IM Client may automatically open new messages in new, small, Read Message windows. Also, the client may list new and unread messages in the IM Client window itself. If messages are listed in the IM Client, you will see a shortened version of the messages' subjects and sender's name. Click on the message subject to open a message in a new Read Message window.
Depending on your user preferences, the IM Client may check for new instant messages only or for instant messages and private messages. If, for some reason, the IM Client fails to reload automatically, you can click the Check for IMs link or icon to reload the IM Client manually.
How do I delete old messages? Depending on your user preferences, instant messages may automatically be deleted once they have been read and the IM Client reloads. You can also delete new and unread instant or private messages from the list in the IM Client. Private messages that you have already read cannot be deleted from the IM Client (unless listed in the IM Client and deleted before the IM Client reloads).
Prillian Preferences and Settings |
How do I change my settings? All your settings are stored in the database. To alter them click the Preferences link or icon (generally shown at the bottom or top of the messenger client but this may not be the case). This will allow you to change all your settings.
I clicked the link, but it says something about the administrator overriding something. What? Board administrators have the option to override user preferences. When this option is enabled, user preferences cannot be changed except by a board administrator. You will not be able to access the preferences editor page to modify your settings.
There are a lot of settings here. What do they all mean? Many of the user preferences should be self explanatory. Below is a summary of some options that may require more details.
Location of sound file | The sound file options allow you to play a new sound when you receive new messages. You may choose to play either the default sound provided by this website or a sound on your own computer. Click the "Browse..." button to specify a sound file on your own computer. The location of this sound file will be stored in this site's database. If you move the sound file at a later date, do not forget to update this setting. | List these users in the main window | The options here allow you to change which users are listed in the IM Client. You may choose to list all users on the forums, all users on the messenger, only buddies on the forums, or only buddies on the messenger. | Choose a method for displaying users online at other sites | These options allow you to specify how Off-Site Users are displayed in the IM Client. You may choose not to display them at all, to display them in a separate box from On-Site Users, or mixed in with the On-Site Users. Remember, Off-Site Users listed are always users on the messenger. |
Important Things to Know About Settings There are a few things that it is important for you to know about the user preferences and settings. First, be careful when changing the Enable settings. Turning these settings off may prevent you from using parts of the messenger. Second, if you are going to play a sound on receiving of new messages, it is better to play a sound on your own computer. The sound will load (and therefore play) more quickly than it will if the messenger has to download it from the website.
Prillian Posting Issues |
How do I send messages? This is simple. Click the Send Message icon or link (either next to a user name or in the controls) to open the Send Message window. Here you will be able to type a message and send it to another user. If you wish to send a message to a user other than the one whose Send Message icon or link you clicked, you may change the name in the username field.
Please note that you can only send a message to an Off-Site User on a particular site by clicking on the icon or link next to the name of an Off-Site user from the same site. Likewise, you can only send a message to an On-Site User by clicking the link or icon in the controls or next to an On-Site User. Replying to a message will allow you to send a message of the same type also.
I'm in the Send Message window. What is all this stuff? The Send Message window has many features. Next to the Username field are two buttons that allow you to quickly find a user or buddy to which you can send a message. The Subject field is completely optional. There are BBCode and Font controls similar to those available when posting a topic, as well as options to disable them in a post. There may also be a drop down list of smilies. Finally, there is a "Save Message" checkbox, which will save a copy of the message in your private messages savebox when it is successfully sent.
Some features may be disabled when sending a message to an Off-Site User.
Can I use BBCode, Smileys, HTML, signatures, and Images in instant messages? You may do so, if the board administrator allows such. The settings for these options are the same as those on the board (e.g., if you can use BBCode on the board, you can use it in instant messages).
Reading Prillian Messages |
I'm reading a message. What do some of these options mean? There are two options in the Read Message window that may need to be explained: the "Save and Close" and "Save and Reply" buttons. Clicking either of these buttons will save a copy of it in your private messages savebox. This is useful if automatic deletion of read messages is turned on. The "Close" and "Reply" parts of these buttons should be easy to understand.
Depending on the forum's set up, there may also be a quick reply form in this window.
I keep getting unwanted messages! Prillian includes an ignore system. You can ignore the user sending the messages or contact the board administrator, who can ban the user from the instant and/or private messaging systems.
Prillian Site-to-Site Messaging |
What is Site-to-Site Messaging? Site-to-Site Messaging is a special system that the messenger uses to allow users on multiple sites to communicate with each other. All Off-Site Users listed in the IM Client are actually people using a similar messenger on another site. These users may be able to see if you are online at this site. They may also be able to send you an instant message via Site-to-Site Messaging. You can send them a message as well.
That sounds pretty cool, but I don't want to be part of it. You can disable Site-to-Site Messaging in your user preferences.
How do I send a message to someone on another site? Click the Send Message icon or link near their name in the IM Client. When the Send Message window opens, type away! Some features may be disable in Site-to-Site Messages. Also, even though you can see who is online at another site, you may not be able to send them messages. You can only send messages to another site if that site has added this site to it's Site-to-Site database.
Why are these features disabled? The Site-to-Site Messaging system is still under development. Indeed, the entire messenger software is still under development.
Email Digests |
What are Digests? Digests are email messages sent to you periodically with a summary of the postings made here.
Why would I want a digest? It makes your life easier. You do not have to explicitly visit this site to see what conversations are going on around here. Just read your digest and if there is a topic that seems of interest, click on it in your email program and start participating! Unsubscribe at any time.
How often are digests sent? You pick how often they are sent. You can select the frequency between digests when you set them up. So if its a busy forum, and you always want to be on top setup the digest to be sent every hour. If its a slow forum, and you just want to keep a lazy eye, use something like daily or weekly.
Suppose I do not want summaries of every message here. Can I be selective? Yes. You can pick the forum or forums that interest you. By default you will get messages for all forums that you are allowed to access.
Can I have more than one digest? Yes, you can have several digests, each with their own frequency - but a forum can only be in one digest. For example you can Forum A & Forum D every hour, you can have Forum G daily, you can have Forum C weekly and you can have Forum B, Forum E & Forum F monthly. This way you will only be notified of postings once.
What email message formats are available? We can send you HTML or text. Unless your email program cannot handle HTML (very unusual these days) we suggest HTML. Frankly, text digests look pretty plain and are harder to use. That is the nature of plain text.
Do I get the whole message text in the digest? By default you get the first 150 characters of the text, or you can elect to see either all of the message text or just see the topic subject instead. We recommend keeping the default message length because otherwise your digests may get so big as to be unusable. We have also heard that very large digests may be rejected by your ISP or put you over your server storage quota. An excerpt reduces bandwidth and is usually all that is needed. Why? Because each message has a convenient link that will take you to the topic or message of interest.
How do I get started? Just click on the Digests link near the top right part of any page. Or if you prefer click here.
Can I unsubscribe? Of course! Just go to the same page and check the "Delete this digest" box. Then submit the form. Your subscription, to that digest, will end immediately.
Are digests commercial free? Of course. There are no annoying ads nor will there ever be any on our site.
Is my privacy protected? Yes, your digest is sent to you at the email address you gave us in your profile. Think of the digest as a special edition newspaper customized just for you. Someone else is likely getting a completely different digest.
phpBB 2 Issues |
Who wrote this bulletin board? This software (in its unmodified form) is produced, released and is copyrighted phpBB Group. It is made available under the GNU General Public License and may be freely distributed; see link for more details
Why isn't X feature available? This software was written by and licensed through phpBB Group. If you believe a feature needs to be added then please visit the phpbb.com website and see what the phpBB Group has to say. Please do not post feature requests to the board at phpbb.com, as the Group uses sourceforge to handle tasking of new features. Please read through the forums and see what, if any, our position may already be for features and then follow the procedure given there.
Whom do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this board? You should contact the administrator of this board. If you cannot find who that is, you should first contact one of the forum moderators and ask them who you should in turn contact. If still get no response you should contact the owner of the domain (do a whois lookup) or, if this is running on a free service (e.g. yahoo, free.fr, f2s.com, etc.), the management or abuse department of that service. Please note that phpBB Group has absolutely no control and cannot in any way be held liable over how, where or by whom this board is used. It is absolutely pointless contacting phpBB Group in relation to any legal (cease and desist, liable, defamatory comment, etc.) matter not directly related to the phpbb.com website or the discrete software of phpBB itself. If you do email phpBB Group about any third party use of this software then you should expect a terse response or no response at all.
phpBB 2 Fully Modded Issues |
Who modded this bulletin board? This software (in its modded form) is produced, released and is copyright Fully Modded. It is made available under the GNU General Public Licence and may be freely distributed, see link for more details
Why isn't X MOD available? This software was modded by and licensed through Fully Modded. If you believe a MOD needs to be added then please visit the phpbbfm.net website, join our Supporters Club and request it! Please read through the forums and see what, if any, our position may already be for the MOD and then follow the procedure given there.
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